API Client

CultureMesh FFB communicates with CultureMesh via the CultureMesh API. CultureMesh FFB contains a client class that gives easy programmatic access to the resources available via the CultureMesh API – these are things like users, posts, networks, etc.

A typical usage of the client looks like this:

c = Client(mock=False)
post = c.get_post(current_post_id)
replies = c.get_post_replies(post["id"], NUM_REPLIES_TO_SHOW)

# Both 'post' and 'replies' contain real data from the CultureMesh API.

Dig into culturemesh/client to get a better sense of how the client is structured and to see all of the available methods.

API Spec

We use a Swagger spec to define the CultureMesh API. The file is publicly available in the CultureMesh API repo. Link to file here.


To view the the methods, data, and objects in a nice format, copy and paste the contents of the spec into the editor at https://editor.swagger.io/.


The CultureMesh Client class was modeled heavily after the client in this project.