
Unit Tests

To run all unit tests:

$ nosetests --verbosity=2 test/unit/*

To run all unit tests in a single file:

$ nosetests --verbosity=2 test/unit/path/to/test_file.py

To run a single unit test:

$ nosetests --verbosity=2 test/unit/path/to/test_file.py:test_x_y_and_z.py

Add unit tests for culturemesh/path/to/file.py at test/unit/path/to/file/test_file.py.


At the moment we unit test only the client class. To ease development, we initially created a ‘mock’ client that returns fake API data from data/, and we use this for unit testing. In the future, these tests should be updated to use the mock library and the ‘mock’ client should be deprecated.

Integration Tests

There are currently no integration tests for CultureMesh FFB. There are, however, tools to make live debugging easier. For example, if you want to check that the server has registered code changes and is serving the latest your changes, you can use the /dev/note endpoint. This endpoint serves the contents of the template note.html, which you can change to display custom text. If that new text is displayed at that endpoint, you know the server has updated to reflect your changes.